Why we need Artificial Intelligence...

Why we need Artificial Intelligence...


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the next big thing in tech. It's already changing our lives for the better, with many of us predicting a future where AI will be able to write better songs than us, create better art than us and design better clothes than us.

While this may sound like the stuff of science fiction movies and books, it absolutely isn't. We're already using AI to help solve some of society's biggest problems such as climate change or traffic congestion. But there's no denying that one area where AI could be especially useful is education!

Imagine if you could spend your days learning about topics that interest you whether that's computer science, video game design or even medicine and then take those skills into real-world careers? There would be nothing more exciting than having access to all these different courses through one platform! Or imagine having access to everything from history lessons on Egypt to coding classes online at any time? That would revolutionize education in general."

What is Artificial Intelligence?

The term "artificial intelligence" was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy, a computer scientist at Dartmouth College. He used the term to refer to the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.

If you have seen Hollywood movies, you might have come across the term "artificial intelligence" or something similar. This is because AI has been used in many different areas such as healthcare, transportation and cyber security to name a few.

The aim of this article is to explain what artificial intelligence is and how it works; so let's get started!

Use of AI in General Life

AI is used in many different fields, including healthcare, education and finance. It's also being applied to help people with disabilities. In fact, there are already AI systems that can read lips and translate sign language into text on webpages or mobile phones.

AI has been shown to be useful in helping people who have Alzheimer's disease or dementia as well as depression and anxiety disorders.

It can also help people with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other learning disabilities. There are even systems that can be used to diagnose diseases by analyzing medical images such as CT scans or MRIs. The way AI is being used in these fields is still in its early stages, but it's clear that the technology has a bright future ahead of it.

AI is also being used to help people with physical disabilities. For example, there are systems that can be used to control wheelchairs and other types of assistive devices. These types of systems use sensors and cameras to track the movements of someone's body so that their wheelchair moves accordingly.

The technology is also being used to help people regain some of their lost motor skills. For example, there are systems that can be used to help stroke victims regain the ability to use their hands or arms again. These systems use sensors and cameras to track the movements of someone's body so that their wheelchair moves accordingly.

Need of AI in our Life

If you are a human, then it is very obvious that you need to live. This means that there will be things in your life which make it better or worse. You may want to do something for yourself but can't because of some reason or other; this could be due to lack of resources and so on. However, if we were able to use AI technology then our lives would become easier and more convenient.

There are many fields where AI is used today such as medicine, finance etc., but the most important field where AI plays an important role is education system where kids learn at school level too!

The use of AI in education is increasing day by day. The reason behind this is that kids today are very smart and intelligent. They keep on learning from their surroundings and at the same time they want everything to be quick and easy for them. This means that teachers need to come up with new ways to teach kids so that they are able to understand things easily without any struggle.

The use of AI in education has many benefits. Some of them are mentioned below: 

-It helps students to learn better by providing them with the right kind of information at the right time. This means that kids will not have to spend hours doing research on the internet and finding out what they need to know; instead, they can just ask their teachers for help and get answers immediately.

-It helps teachers to teach students in a better way and provide them with the required information so that they are able to understand things easily. 

-It is very helpful for kids who have learning disabilities because it provides them with the right kind of information that suits their needs.

-It helps teachers to monitor students’ progress and make sure that they are able to understand things easily. -It can be used by parents as well so that they can know what their kids are doing at school.

-It is very helpful for students who have disabilities or learning issues because it allows them to understand things easily. -It helps teachers to provide students with the right kind of information so that they are able to understand things easily.


Artificial intelligence is slowly becoming a reality. We can already find many examples of AI-powered products and services, from self-driving cars to virtual assistants. But despite these advancements, there are still many questions about how AI works and what it can do for us in the future. As a result, it's important that we understand what exactly makes artificial intelligence different from human intelligence so we can make better decisions about how best to utilize this technology going forward.